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Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year you will be able to access course links on this website and submit work electronically online or by email to me at BEnglish@scsd.us
(Scroll down the page for all of your class links)
All major projects for this course will be found here.
Here you will find links to all of your quizzes and tests.
Equipment Agreement Forms
What is Photography Worksheet
Perspective Worksheet
History of Photography
Careers in Photography
Perspective Photography
Perspective Quiz
Photography Basics
Photo Composition
Composition Principles
DSLR Worksheet
Shutter Speed
Angle and Framing
Composition Principles
Shutter Speed
Angle and Framing
Photography Composition
Shutter/ Exposure Time
Portrait Worksheet
Portrait Project
Portraits Quiz
Digital Photography Syllabus (pdf)
DownloadCourse Overview: Digital Photography is a full year, half credit introductory course in digital imaging. In this course, photography will be explored as a technical process as well as an art form. Students will be expected to take pictures and maintain a portfolio of work throughout the school year.
What you will learn in Digital Photography: History of photography and current trends in photography · Famous photographic images and Photographers · Basic photographic principles · Digital camera operation, Point-n-Shoot and SLR · Storing and managing of digital image files · Digital image editing and manipulation with Photoshop · Design and composition principles in the art of photography · Artistic presentation of photos and prints via assigned projects · The Rule of Thirds · All of the components of the camera and their functions · Equipment used by professionals, other than the cameras
Classwork 30%
Participation 15%
Projects 30%
Quizzes 25%
All work is due complete and on a timely manner by the due dates supplied at the beginning of each assignment. Work turned in late will be graded accordingly; each day late with result with a lowering of grade 5 points per day. Work turned in one week after original due date will result in a zero.
Unit Outline:
1. Introduction
a. What is Photography?
b. The History of Photography
c. How is Photography used in Society, Impact on us?
d. Careers in Photography
2. Storing and Managing Digital Images
a. Raw Files
b. Storage
c. File sharing
d. Uploading/ downloading
3. Composition and Design Principles
a. What makes a good photo?
b. Terminology
c. Identification and Application of Composition Principles
4. Basic Principles of Photography
a. Concepts
b. Terminology
c. The Rule of Thirds
d. Framing
e. Foreground/ background
5. Principles of Digital Photography
a. Concepts
b. Terminology
c. Autofocus
d. Raw Files
e. Histogram
6. Analysis and Critique Photos
a. Steps to Critique Photographic Art properly
b. Application of the analysis/ Critique process
7. Camera and Equipment
a. Basic camera components
b. Photographic equipment
8. Advanced Camera Use
a. Controls and Set-up
b. Image Zone Settings
c. Creative Zone Settings
d. Menu and Function Options
e. Viewing and Erasing
9. Image Editing with Photo Software
a. Technical and Artistic Application of Editing Images
b. Photographic manipulations
c. Touch ups
10. Photographer Research
Composition Principles
Great DOF- Area in Front and Behind of Subject Will be in Focus
Unity- Harmony Among the Elements in a Photo
Simplicity- No clutter in Background, One Idea
Rule of Thirds- Placement of Focal Point Off-Center
Framing- Objects Around Edge of Subject
Focal Point- Center of Interest
Leading Lines- Design Element that Draws the Eye
Mergers- Things Growing out of People
Balance- Informal Equilibrium
Get in Close- Zoom In, Move In
Back Lighting- Creates Silhouettes
Front Lighting- Illuminates the subject fully
Side Lighting- Creates Shadows
Pattern- Repeating Shapes
Texture- A Sense or Feeling you can Touch
Emotion- Feeling felt in a Photo
Perspective- Converging Lines or Objects
Angle- Position of the Viewer in Relation to the Subject
Motion- Sense of Movement
Shadow- Cause by Side Lighting on Subject
Abstract- Not Easily identified
Contrast- Difference between Lights and Darks
Shallow DOF- Area Behind Subject Will be Out of Focus